Science of Atoms and Molecules / RI-ITEST
The Science of Atoms and Molecules was designed to assist the realignment of high school science disciplines into a physics, chemistry, and biology sequence. SAM activities provide critical atomic-scale science content that can enable and take advantage of the revised sequence. The atomic and molecular model-based activities facilitate not only the disciplinary order but also four thematic sequences: Motion and Energy, Charge, Atoms and Molecules, and Light.

Browser-based Activities
The activities below will run in a web browser. Registered teachers gain access to each activity's Teacher Edition, with supplemental background materials, teacher tips, and exemplar answers, and the Teacher Dashboard, allowing you to track your students’ progress though the activities. Registration for the STEM Resource Finder is free.
Java-based Activities
The activities below require Java. Java can be downloaded for free from Please note that although these resources can be assigned, student responses will not be saved. Having trouble? Visit for instructions on launching Java-based activities.