Hurricane Risk & Impact
The Hurricane Risks & Impacts Module asks students to consider the question, "How will hurricane risks and impacts change over the next 100 years?" This five-activity module helps students build an understanding of how hurricanes travel and grow, the risks that hurricanes bring to people and their communities, and the impact of climate change through focused case studies and interactions with the Hurricane Explorer model. As students explore data about pressure systems, sea surface temperature, and storm surge potential, they make connections between hurricane intensity and an increase in global temperatures. Finally, they use their understanding of the hazards of hurricanes (wind and water damage) to make predictions about how climate change may affect future hurricane seasons.
To prepare to use this module in your class, first run the Teacher Edition, which adds a layer of teacher tips to the student version of the module. By the end of the module, you will be familiar with the curriculum and an expert on teaching with Hurricane Explorer.

Package Includes
- Teacher Edition
- Class Dashboard
- Pre- and Post-Test
Teacher Resources
Theory & Background
Introduction to the Hurricane Module
Description of the module structure and a summary of activities.
GeoHazard Strategies & Resources
Guide to teaching natural hazards and climate change.
Teaching Uncertainty & Risk
Guide to addressing uncertainty and risk.
Addressing Socioscientific Issues
Suggestions on exploring the social side of natural hazards.
Learning Goals & Assessment
Standards Alignment
The Hurricane module is aligned with NGSS, NSES and AAAS.
Class Dashboard Guide
Track students' progress and responses in real-time.
Summary Table
Help students make connections between the activities and form a deeper understanding of hurricanes, risk and impact.
These resources were developed by the GeoHazard project. Comments, questions, or feedback on the Hurricane Module? Please send them to