Interactive simulations and activities for learning about diffusion
Diffusion is the natural movement of molecules spreading out from higher to lower concentration. Molecules diffuse through collisions due to random molecular motion. Diffusion is always happening, even when a system appears to have reached equilibrium, because molecules are always moving. Several factors affect diffusion: concentration, surface area, molecular pumps, temperature, and molecular mass.

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Diffusion Resources
Explore the process of diffusion using the free educational simulations and activities below. These scientifically accurate models are great for the classroom, homework assignments, or independent learning. Use them to answer the question, "What is diffusion?"
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Since 1994, the Concord Consortium has been developing open educational resources that expand and deepen STEM inquiry with technology. These scientifically accurate models and activities have been funded by the National Science Foundation and other private and federal granting agencies, and developed by curriculum experts—so you know you can trust them in your classroom! Our cutting-edge tools and resources have brought STEM practices to life for over a million learners worldwide.